What is EQDiet?
EQDiet is a free healthy diet app that lets you know how many kilocalories you have eaten in each food. You have more information in this link
Where I can download EQDiet?
You can download EQDiet through the downloads page in this link
How much EQDiet costs?
EQDiet is and will be totally free!
I've got an issue using your app. How can I report it?
You can report a bug or an issue through our GitHub repositories here. Just select the product you've got an issue using it and then go to the Issues tab. Then click on the "new issue" green button and report the issue. You'll need a GitHub account to do this. If you don't have on and you won't create one, just report the issue to the contact form below.
I've fixed a bug in the app or modified something in it. Where can I submit the changes i've done?
Thanks a lot for collaborating! Just write a message to the contact email at the bottom of this page, including the full source code and saying what you have changed. If we approve your changes, we will release a new version of EQDiet. View the full contributing steps, rules and benefits here.
Is this app and website safe?
Sure. Our app is scanned for malware weekly with the top-valued antivirus softwares and our website has got the TrustedSite and McAfee secure certificate.
Can I download EQDiet on my mobile phone?
Yes, you can! Just download EQDiet Alpha Mobile from our downloads page.
Contact us:
If you want to contact us, please fill up this contact form. If you want to send additional information (like images), then write an email to [email protected] instead of filling the previous form. Please be patient, because we don't have a lot of time to see the inbox.